Hi, guys.
So, as many of you know-and maybe, some who don't-I am currently in the throes of writing my first novel.
Yeah. Good times.
And while I am doing this, and as you have observed-I am not able to dedicate time to this here little blog. (insert audible Boo-awwww...sigh, here)
But fear not, loyalists!
I have done a typically genius thing, and put out a call to action to all of my awesome writer friends who also dabble and may not have a blog of their own to speak of. To clarify, I'm not sure why they don't, because most of these folks are kick-ass writers themselves. And (what? I can be humble. Shutup, I can!) even better than me at the craft.
So, guest bloggers abound!
Our first guest is a local chef in my little city, and has an interest and all things cee-gar oriented. The art of enjoying a fine cigar may not be as poplar with my chicks out there, but to be honest...I think a little knowledge on the subject is a learning experience and also-might be popular reading for my lingering dude-readers.
So, enjoy the first guest blogger post and watch for many more to come, from a diverse and awesome field of experienced and fellow amateur writers.
This is going to be epic.
Watch for the first guest post today or tomorrow at the latest.
And, I will of course send some small updates about the novel as we go. I'm close to 285 pages now, with about 150-200 more to come before edits. And, oh yeah! I almost forgot...I am crowd-funding for the publishing costs. Anyone who wishes to donate, can do so...here: https://www.gofundme.com/publish-a-dream
Feel free to give, as a little as a buck or two will do cause' bucks add up. And if you cannot donate at this time, you are still amazing, and I love you to pieces. But, there is a way to still throw me an assist for free. Share the link on any social media, and with your
Until then...
Get yo' guest on. Woot.
Have fun!
Happy New Year. XOXO.