You happen to like winter. It's here.
I am not a winter lover. I loathe the snow, the cold, the frozen ground, the frozen cars, and frozen fingers and toes.
I detest the thin, dry, air. The slathering of chapstick, lotion, and static electricity when I am attempting to look pretty and styling my low-maintenance hair.
I have never been the person who likes to play in snow, or make snowmen, or snow angels, or build forts, or have snowball fights.
Insult to injury...even though I don't like it. Typically I get three good months of autumn to prepare my body for the aching bones, the sight of my own breath, and layers of clothes. This year...we skipped fall altogether. And it really pisses me off.
Not even Thanksgiving-and we are shivering, shoveling, salting, sliding, and bundling. It's a fucking weather conspiracy.
In the interest of being a more positive
There are a handful of good things about winter. I'll name them. Because this last week has been filled with negative crap, and because my soul and maybe your soul...needs some kinder, gentler, information.
And you know me. The kindest and gentlest girl around.
What is it about snow that makes things quiet?
According to some hinky research I did, apparently-when snow stacks up-it absorbs the sound waves and some of the sound between each flake. And, with all of that space-sound is unable to bounce off of snow-as a result, the sound gets absorbed.
But besides all of the scientific mumbo-jumbo gumming up the works-I happen to like that extreme stillness and quiet of a winter night. Some people find it eerie. I never have.
Because the world is so typically noisy, and busy, and really fucking annoying-the nights where everything is white and still- are a refreshing change of pace and needed for sanity.
I mean, who doesn't need a little peace and quiet sometimes?
A winter night is a good start.
Also, there is the whole hot liquids thing.
I mean, as IF-I ever needed an excuse to drink coffee, right?
But not just coffee.
Hot cocoa with a mound of whipped cream so high it tickles your nose, or a cup of lava-hot chamomile tea in an oversized mug.
Or the fresh cup of hot Colombian in the morning with a teaspoon of sugar, a sprinkle of fresh cinnamon, and half and half.
On a cold day or night...snuggled up on your chair (or sofa in my case) with a warm blanket, a book, and the quiet snow and a cup of hot liquid-with no place to go is damn near nirvana for this chubby girl.
Snow days. An excuse to call into work and do what I mentioned above-or play board games with your kids, or have a movie marathon with a massive bowl of popcorn, or a Netflix binge, or online shopping all day. Or WRITING.
You know, Just having the excuse to blow off life for a day and mental health break yourself away from reality and just do NOTHING. Is there anything better? I challenge you to find something.
Clothes. No skin.
First of all...I ROCK a turtleneck sweater. I have a ton of them. They are my standard winter uniform.
But, an excuse to look all chic in a black cowl neck, a pair of jeggings, and ankle or riding boots with frilly socks underneath. Yes please.
Warm jammies. A warmed terrycolth robe after a HOT bath with Dr. Teals.
My cat.
My cat could give two shits less about us when it is hot. I mean, can you blame him? He is wearing a fucking fur coat that he cannot take off.
So when winter comes and he is cold...he actually likes us.
He strives for body heat. So, he will actually snuggle. And this fur-mama...loves her some Charlie snuggle. I am wholly convinced that one of the best things in life is the sound of a contented feline purr. It's like joy escaping into the world.
My huge, king-sized down feather winter comforter.
It's not purposely weighted...but it is heavy. And so stinkin' warm. I sleep so much better when wrapped in this burrito of cotton and corduroy. (Its reversible) It's like a trip back to the womb. It does make getting up in the cold morning a challenge, yes. But...the sweet sleep. The SWEET sleep. My God. Yes.
Football playoffs, and Mardi Gras.
Enough said.
Christmas is about stuff.
I like stuff.
(nope..not having a discussion about religion here, much as everyone pretends that it's about the birth of Christ-no one really knows when that date actually was...and the Bible does mostly guess work...I digress)
Christmas is about stuff.
I like giving stuff.
The getting is OK too...but I'm a giver.
I like stuff.
So, these are the few of my favorite things about cold weather.
Winter, to be exact.
But, I am still pissed that fall never really happened. The leaves are still on the damn trees and there is currently 3 inches of snow on the ground and it is 15 degrees outside.
We got completely screwed.
So, I guess in an effort to salvage my mood, I'll just make myself a cup of cocoa and shut the hell up.
What? You were thinking it...I just said it.
Stay warm.
Suzie Chapstick.
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