...brag on the kid.
Two topics tonight.
(and yeah, sorry...I haven't written much lately-I am a bad blogger who is going to that special place in hell reserved for people with busy outside lives and who work on their novel instead of chronicling their life. Sue me)
So, first topic...
It's first because it's a little quicker than the second topic.
I'm perusing (again) trying out for a play at our local community jam.
Good times eh?
I feel like I need to try it at least once. If for nothing else, to prove to myself that I can do it-and not just teach it.
And that's it.
Told you it was short. More update later on this and especially whether I even pull the trigger and do it. We shall see. It's a big deal for me...so deep breaths.
So OK...second post.
I pretty much just want to brag on my kid for a few minutes. And you will listen and like it!
I mean-I got to thinking in my car today (and no...I wasn't high-I don't partake) I was just thinking because I came back from his lineman football challenge smiling. I heart so much watching my kid compete. And especially at football. I was on the fence about letting him return to football last year after some concussions with JFL-but after seeing the safety differences in high school compared to junior...I feel better about it.
So, we are a die-hard football family. I love it. I don't subscribe to the controversy-and just enjoy watching the game in general.
Especially my Bubba.
His 6'3-250 lb build makes him perfect for the sport and actually pretty good at it. And again...I love watching him play.
But here's the scoop-he isn't just a jock.
I am amazed that the cool things I have been encouraging in him since...I dunno...BIRTH-are sticking and he is such a well rounded young man.
I mean this.
Everyone brags on their kids-but, seriously-my kid rocks at so many things it is literally astounding.
Let's list them shall we? I mean, so you don't think I am just blowing smoke here.
1. He is a Varsity athlete. He's a left guard and a left tackle on his football team and will be a heavyweight wrestler. And he really excels at both.
2. He plays bass guitar-and he plays it well.
3. He knows sound equipment and light rigs and how to run it all. Like a pro.
4. He Plays D&D. Yeah...nerdy Dungeons and Dragons and all other Manor of RPG's. And he knows them from front to back...like the smart kids do. He is for real.
5. He is mechanically inclined. He can build and rebuild a car motor and actually did all of the work to his own car to modify it for racing.
6. Speaking of racing...he does that too. He road races his own car in a racing league. And he has won a lot of races. (this scares me a little, but he is also pretty responsible behind the wheel...so it's all good)
7. He makes his own knives. He saved an entire year to buy his own forge. He literally makes his own steel-he smelts. No...I am not kidding. His knives sell for sometimes upwards of 300 bucks each. No shit.
8. He knows how to ride, care for, and groom horses.
9. He cooks like a beast. At 17...he has more chef mojo than most of the other people I know in the world. I mean, the kid has mad skills. When other kids were asking for a PS3 or a Nerf gun at 12 years old, he was asking for a waffle iron and white truffle oil. 😮
10. This kid is impressive to adults. Adults LOVE him. He will seek out the most important person in the room, walk up casually and shake his hand and introduce himself...with confidence. he makes eye contact- and can talk on a variety of subjects. NO awkward moments for this kid..he is impressive. It's awesome to watch. And...not to toot my own horn here-it reflects ridiculously positively on me. So essentially, he makes me look really fucking cool. Nice.
I mean...COME ON. This kid though.
I made him.
In my belly.
Right???!!! 😮
Look, he has faults too. He's not the best student, per se. He is usually a C and high D average student. He bullshits a lot. I mean, he...tells some tall tales occasionally. And he can be a defiant little shit sometimes. He gets his share of detention at school.
So, not perfect...no.
But, DAMN. He is a well rounded kid. A talented amazement.
That came from me?
Funky as shit, kids.
I guess it was worth blogging about because...I was thinking a lot about it today. And I put it all together in my head and was like...OH SNAP.
Yeah, I know-no one says OH SNAP anymore-I'm old. Fuck ever.
Yeah, my arm is broken from patting myself on the back. Who cares.
Life doesn't have nearly enough triumphs...and I am counting my son as my biggest.
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